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Insalata di farro con pecorino, radicchio e noci. La ricetta.

Con l’arrivo dell’estate abbiamo bisogno di preparare piatti freddi da gustare in spiaggia. Non è necessario rinunciare ai sapori autentici della cucina toscana, ma è sufficiente saperli reinventare e riproporre lasciando a bocca aperta anche i vicini di ombrellone. Vivere la Toscana vi presenta oggi la ricetta di un’insalata di farro, preparata con dadini di pecorino toscano, gherigli di noci, radicchio e rucola. Un piatto estivo, sano e nutriente da preparare in pochi minuti. Ecco la ricetta:
Insalata di farro con pecorino, radicchio e noci
Ingredienti per 2 persone:
60 grammi di farro (vi consigliamo il farro perlato biologico Pierini&Brugi, coltivato nella Maremma Grossetana, tempo di cottura: circa 17 minuti)
un mazzetto di rucola
50 grammi di pecorino toscano
sale q.b.
1 cespo di radicchio rosso
15 grammi di noci sgusciate
Lessare il farro in acqua leggermente salata. A cottura ultimata, scolare e freddare sotto acqua corrente. Pulire e lavare il radicchio e la rucola, poi spezzettarli. Preparare un’insalatiera e disporvi la verdura ben scolata. Intanto far tostare lievemente i gherigli di noci e spezzettarli. Tagliare il pecorino a dadini. Unire la frutta secca e il formaggio toscano all’insalata, infine aggiungere il farro freddo. Condire con olio extravergine toscano, salare a piacere e mescolare bene. Servire in tavola in abbinamento ad un ottimo bicchiere di Bianco di Pitigliano (clicca qui se desideri acquistarlo online). Altrimenti disponi l’insalata in un contenitore ermetico e mettilo in una borsa frigo con ghiaccio da portare in spiaggia. Buon appetito e buon mare!

2 risposte

  1. Farro salad with feta cheese , radicchio and walnuts. The recipe .
    With the arrival of summer we need to prepare cold meals to enjoy at the beach. You do not need to give up authentic flavors of Tuscan cuisine, but it is enough to know how to reinvent and revive leaving gaping even the neighbors umbrella. Enjoy Tuscany presents you today a recipe for a salad of farro, cooked with diced Tuscan pecorino , walnuts , radicchio and arugula. A summer dish , healthy and nutritious food to prepare in a few minutes. Here is the recipe :

    Farro salad with feta cheese , radicchio and walnuts
    Ingredients for 2 people :
    60 grams of spelled ( we recommend Pierini & Brugi organic pearl barley , grown in the Maremma , cooking time : about 17 minutes )
    a bunch of rocket
    50 grams of pecorino toscano ( click here to choose one ! )
    salt q.b.
    1 head of radicchio
    15 grams of shelled walnuts
    olioextravergine olive oil IGP
    Boil the farro in lightly salted water . When cooked , drain and cool under running water. Clean and wash the radicchio and arugula, then chop . Prepare a large bowl and arrange the vegetables well drained . Meanwhile, lightly toast the walnuts and chop . Cut the cheese into cubes. Combine the dried fruit and Tuscan cheese to salad , then add the farro cold. Season with Tuscan extra virgin olive oil , salt to taste and mix well. Serve in combination with a good glass of Bianco di Pitigliano (click here if you buy online ) . Otherwise you have the salad in an airtight container and put it in a cooler with ice to take to the beach . Good appetite and good sea !
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  2. Farro salad with feta cheese , radicchio and walnuts. The recipe .
    With the arrival of summer we need to prepare cold meals to enjoy at the beach. You do not need to give up authentic flavors of Tuscan cuisine, but it is enough to know how to reinvent and revive leaving gaping even the neighbors umbrella. Enjoy Tuscany presents you today a recipe for a salad of farro, cooked with diced Tuscan pecorino , walnuts , radicchio and arugula. A summer dish , healthy and nutritious food to prepare in a few minutes. Here is the recipe :

    Farro salad with feta cheese , radicchio and walnuts
    Ingredients for 2 people :
    60 grams of spelled ( we recommend Pierini & Brugi organic pearl barley , grown in the Maremma , cooking time : about 17 minutes )
    a bunch of rocket
    50 grams of pecorino toscano ( click here to choose one ! )
    salt q.b.
    1 head of radicchio
    15 grams of shelled walnuts
    olioextravergine olive oil IGP
    Boil the farro in lightly salted water . When cooked , drain and cool under running water. Clean and wash the radicchio and arugula, then chop . Prepare a large bowl and arrange the vegetables well drained . Meanwhile, lightly toast the walnuts and chop . Cut the cheese into cubes. Combine the dried fruit and Tuscan cheese to salad , then add the farro cold. Season with Tuscan extra virgin olive oil , salt to taste and mix well. Serve in combination with a good glass of Bianco di Pitigliano (click here if you buy online ) . Otherwise you have the salad in an airtight container and put it in a cooler with ice to take to the beach . Good appetite and good sea !
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